Pakistani Youth participated in The UNISDR Science and Technology
Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-
2030 was held in Geneva, Switzerland. The aim of the conference was to bring together the full
diversity of the science and technology community, policy makers, practitioners and researchers
from all geographical regions, at local, national, regional and international levels. Global Youth
Advocate of United Nations and Chairman Youth Revolution Clan Mr. Rizwan Anwar
represented Pakistan and discusses and endorse in his speech about the UNISDR Science and
Technology Road Map to 2030 to define the expected outcomes of the science and technology
work under each of the four Sendai Framework priorities for actions and the ways to monitor
progress and review emerging needs. He said the Youth of Pakistan has great potential and
energies for the social and positive society transformation but youth of Pakistan is always
neglected at all levels, international organizations need to provide opportunities to the young
people of Pakistan as youth involvement is essential for the transition of MDG’s into SDGs, the
UN Secretary-General has referred to young people as the “torchbearers” of the next
development framework and we should all continue to work towards strong and effective
participation of young people and youth organizations in development agenda , especially to
achieve the Sustainable Development Goal for the resilience and safe cities. Rizwan Anwar
further added in his speech that Gender balanced youth groups can be trained for the
preparedness to the disaster risk reduction and minimize the hazards. Mr. Rizwan Anwar also
met the Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Tehmina Janjua and
congratulate her for the efforts for portraying positive image of Pakistan.