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Indian media exposed in the world due to fake news regarding Afghanistan

Indian media exposed in front of world due to dissemination of fake news regarding Afghanistan situation: FO Spokesperson

ISLAMABAD ( Web News )

Foreign Office spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad has said that there is a dire need for positive and constructive engagement in Afghanistan to avert any humanitarian crisis in war-torn country.

In an interview with official media, the FO spokesperson said Pakistan has been advising the world community that it is the opportunity for the world to establish peace and stability in Afghanistan and stay engaged with new Afghan government.


Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said Indian media has already been exposed in front of the world due to dissemination of fake news regarding Afghanistan situation and lost its credibility because of its malicious anti-Pakistan propagandas.

He said Foreign Office has already issued a statement rejecting the baseless Indian allegation against Pakistan’s interference in Panshir.

The spokesperson said Indian media has lost its credibility because of its malicious anti-Pakistan propagandas. Iftikhar Ahmad said many international organizations including EU Disinfo Lab and other think tanks have already criticized Indian nefarious propagandas that it has been pursuing for many years

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