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No Bail For Accused Involved In Child Pornography: Supreme Curt

No Bail For Accused Involved In Child Pornography: Supreme Curt

Supreme Court directed the trial court to complete hearing of the case as soon as possible


The Supreme Court of Pakistan today rejected bail plea of an accused involved in child pornography case. The apex court stated that people involved in spreading child pornography videos on social media do not deserve bail.

The Supreme Court said, “The trial court must announce the verdict in the case against the suspect soon.”

The apex Court noted that child pornography is a major cause of child sexual abuse and is also one of the leading causes of devastation in society. The Supreme Court bench also said that it is a grave threat to the future and morality of children in the country.

“The argument of the suspect’s lawyer that no affected party came forward is inadmissible, the court remarked. Supreme Court Justice Shafir Ali Akbar Naqvi wrote the decision.

In October this year, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) arrested two individuals allegedly involved in child pornography.

The suspects were traced with the help of information provided by a United States-based organisation specialising in preventing violent crimes against children.

The information was relayed to Pakistan via Interpol, an international organisation that facilitates worldwide police cooperation and crime control.

The suspects, Sultan and Ameen — were allegedly involved in uploading and disseminating hundreds of indecent videos of children and women on the web.

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