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General Bajwa is accused of bargaining on Kashmir, should be investigated. Hafiz Naeem

After Eid, Jamaat-e-Islami is going to start a big public movement across the country, the agenda of which has been decided in the ongoing two-day Shuri meeting.
A Judicial Commission should be formed on the basis of Form 45 to investigate the rigged election as it is a matter of survival of democracy.
It is very important for the army, the parliament and the nation to run the country according to the constitution.
General Bajwa is accused of bargaining on Kashmir, this is a serious matter, it should be investigated
The agenda of Jamaat-e-Islami includes the struggle for the rights of all, including education, employment, women, laborers, farmers, students and government employees.

LAHORE   (  Web  News )

Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameer Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman has said that after Eid, Jamaat-e-Islami is going to start a big public movement across the country, the agenda of which has been decided in the ongoing two-day Shura meeting. He said that a judicial commission should be formed on the basis of Form 45 to investigate the stolen election because it is a problem for the survival of democracy, there should be electoral reforms in the country and elections should be conducted on the basis of proportional representation. The Election Commission has lost its credibility, so the Election Commission should be formed by a man. Running the country according to the constitution is very important for the army, parliament and the nation, so everyone should return to their limits. General Bajwa on Kashmir. There is an allegation of bargaining, this is a serious matter, it should be investigated. Jamaat-e-Islami’s agenda includes the struggle for the rights of all, including education, employment, women, laborers, farmers, students and government employees. He expressed this while holding a press conference with other leaders during the two-day meeting of Jamaat-e-Islami. He said that the rulers should not deceive the nation by making claims of foreign investment in the country, investment claims have been made before. It is the right time that there should be electoral reforms in the country and the elections should be proportionate. It should be done on the basis of representation. Hafiz Naeemur Rahman said that our priority is the youth, in the coming days we will give IT education to 1 million youth. He said that the rulers take loans and we continue to pay off this debt by paying taxes. Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said that running the country according to the constitution is very important for the army, parliament and the nation. He said that the constitution Tampering gives the impression of power grab by few people, personal ego of few people leads to destruction of institutions. He said that in 024 elections people gave their opinion which is in the form of document of Form 45. Therefore, there is no absolute need for new elections in the country, but there is a need to keep a close watch on those who demand new elections because they also want to fulfill the same agenda through which Form 47 has been imposed. He said that women are half of the country’s population, women are not given a share in inheritance. Jamaat-e-Islami will fight for the rights of women. He said that those who do not give women a share in the inheritance have no justification to hold public positions. He said that General Bajwa is accused of bargaining over Kashmir, it is a serious matter, it should be investigated. India included in its constitution the rulers of that time who did not raise their voice effectively are also responsible for this. Education will also be given special priority in the agenda, Jamaat-e-Islami movement will run for the protection of education. There should be a book and a system in the country. He said that it is not possible to run industry in the country, people are taking capital out. Muslim League-N and People’s Party are all one. Hafiz Naeemur Rahman said that agriculture is not getting input, farmers have been cheated, where is the investigation committee on wheat import, they are making agriculture a part of the national agenda. Kashmir should be occupied, Pakistan did not respond well. He said that people installed solar systems due to expensive electricity, they continue to tax the rays obtained from the sun. In response to a question, he said that Jamaat-e-Islami has the best minority wing among the parties, it must be ensured that no one’s religious sentiments are played with, protection of minorities is essential, emotional people must be controlled.

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