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NAB amendments will cause an annual loss of 150 billion rupees.

NAB amendments will cause an annual loss of 150 billion rupees to the country, Brigadier (retd) Muhammad Mossadegh Abbasi.
1100 billion cases will end, this amendment is also a violation of international laws
Special Assistant to Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Anti-Corruption Press Conference
Peshawar (  WEB  NEWS  )

Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for Anti-corruption Brigadier (retd) Muhammad Mossadeq Abbasi has said in a press conference at the Information Cell Civil Secretariat Peshawar that the country will suffer an annual loss of 150 billion rupees due to NAB amendments, 1100 billion rupees. cases will end, these amendments are also a violation of international laws. The NAB institution has become completely inactive with these amendments, which is not good for the country and the national treasury. On the other hand, while talking about Dubai Leaks, he said: It has been said that if the money is legitimate and the source of income is known but it has been taken out of the country through wrong channels, then action will be taken under tax evasion, if the source of income is not known and it has been taken out of the country through wrong channels. A case is made under the Anti-Money Laundering Act 2012, action should be taken against the persons involved in these two cases and a transparent judicial investigation should be conducted. They go and invest their money outside and then hope that foreign countries will invest in our country, FBR, FIA and NAB should take action on this. The Special Assistant for Anti-Corruption said that the money that comes out in white-collar crime is the tip of the iceberg. He said that when these amendments were brought in 2022, we were of the view that it will not make the NAB institution active but will end. And will not be able to protect the treasury from losses, we went to court on this. Brigadier (retd) Muhammad Mossadeq Abbasi said that those who had cases knew and believed that the cases were correct. He said that during the three-year PTI period, NAB recovered 480 billion rupees and our recovery is 160 billion per year. According to calculations. Now after these amendments, this recovery has come to a few billion. These amendments will have an effect on cases worth 1100 billion. Instead of original cases, default cases will now be made by NAB. Anti-money laundering cases have been removed from the jurisdiction of NAB. And the most shameful thing is that the Chairman of NAB has accepted these amendments instead of defending his institution. He said that corruption of up to 50 crore rupees can be caused by NAB amendments, which is not under the authority of NAB. Hamza Sharif. The cases of Shehbaz Sharif, Raja Pervez Ashraf, Ahsan Iqbal, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi will end with this amendment. While talking about the amendments in detail, he said that under the amendment, unless the beaver crate creates the assets in its own name, it cannot be questioned and if the contractor along with the bureaucrats also commits corruption, that too has been abolished by the authority of NAB. A case of Tosha Khana was made under Section 97A, Yusuf Raza Gilani gave one-time relaxation under this section, which was used by Nawaz Sharif and Zardari and the vehicles were taken home and now this section has been abolished. He said that by changing a section which I call Khawaja Saad Rafiq section, the said person was benefited and the hearing of scheme less than 100 people was removed. Similarly, the law regarding bank assets was changed which benefited Zardari and Bilawal. By abolishing Section 14, the requirement to disclose sources of income was removed, ending cases like Surrey Mahal, Avonfield and Panama, which are in violation of international law. With the said amendment, it has now become the responsibility of NAB to prove the source of income. Such an amendment has been brought that if the NAB cannot prove it within six months, the case will be considered closed, which will not affect many cases. The testimony coming from outside the country has been rendered ineffective due to which the evidence brought from the foreign country will not be admissible in the court. Section 23 has been amended to allow the transfer of assets after the commencement of the case. By amending Section 25 which deals with plea bargain, original cases have been converted into default cases.

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