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Earning foreign exchange without giving incentives to the exporters just a dream. FPCCI

Earning foreign exchange without giving incentives to the export sector will be just a dream: Atif Ikram

Business-friendly culture should be adopted, bring businessmen together, only then the problems can be solved: President FPCCI

President Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Atif Ikram Sheikh has said that earning foreign exchange without giving incentives to the export sector will be just a dream, one percent tax on exporters is a cruel measure.Due to the taxes imposed in the budget, the people and the business class will be directly targeted.

Federation President Atif Ikram Sheikh said that loans will not end by taking more loans, but by setting up industries, increasing exports, and adopting a tax culture, the debts will end. Terminate contracts with IPP, terminate the law of capacity payment.Adopt a business-friendly culture for which businessmen sit together, the government will have to end its expenses. Privatize everything in one year.

Atif Ikram Sheikh said that from the measures taken in the budget, it seems that the government is following the policy of ending exports, ending the tax exemption on raw materials will also increase inflation and the increase in inflation will directly affect the poor. A business-friendly culture should be adopted and the businessmen should be brought together, only then the problems can be solved.

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