Kashif Chaudhry announces future action plan after successful shutter down strike The movement is now a war of nerves between the government and businessmen . Kashif Chaudhry

Kashif Chaudhry announces future action plan after successful shutter down strike
The option of a three-day nationwide strike and wheel jam is being considered for non-acceptance of the demands
The movement is now a war of nerves between the government and businessmen
Take the keys of the shops and factories from me rulers and run the business yourself
Press Conference of President Central Organization of Traders


President Central Organization of Tradesmen of Pakistan Muhammad Kashif Chaudhry has announced the future action plan after the success of the first phase of the successful shutter down strike and said that the resistance movement has not ended to save trade and economy. In case of approval, the option of a nationwide strike for the first three days and then a nationwide wheel jam for an indefinite period is also being considered. Holding hands, the parliamentarians including the government spokesmen were shown a mirror and the members of the Senate brought out the details of the assets of the National and Provincial Assembly and the taxes they submitted and said that the trade and economy were saved and the resistance movement is now a war of nerves between the government and businessmen. And the nerves of the traders are very strong. While announcing the stormy tours of the country once again for the success of the second phase, he said that during the country-wide tours, he would meet with the organizations of various other classes including the traders. Consultations will be held on other options including the strike. We want to run and save Pakistan. He expressed these views while holding a press conference along with other business leaders at the National Press Club after the successful shutter down strike. Kashif Chaudhry said that government spokesperson Aql Government courtiers and those sitting in glass palaces do not know how many types of taxes the businessmen pay. They pay 44 types of taxes, including operating duty TV. Traders pay 44 types of taxes in addition to paying how many taxes. Despite paying countless taxes, they get expensive electricity and gas, even water is expensive, and garbage piles, closed sewage lines, the performance of governments. is Kashif Chaudhry said that the rulers take the keys of the shops and factories from me and run the business themselves, I want to ask the government spokespersons that who was consulted while creating the so-called businessman dost scheme, if not the real businessman leadership was consulted on the businessman dost scheme. I ask the government spokespersons to stop the propaganda based on lies and hypocrisy. We are ready to sit at the negotiation table to run the country’s economy. Government spokespersons and ministers say that businessmen do not pay taxes. The first rulers looked into their necks. Kashif Chaudhry waved the tax directory of the parliamentarians during the press conference and said that they do not pay taxes themselves and teach others to pay taxes. 1003 members of the National and Provincial Assembly, senators, revealed their income of 125 billion rupees. No one who gives is eligible for public office, Chairman, Speaker, National Assembly is provided with income tax exemption for life time, travel in ships and other free facilities. And alliances should be banned. Kashif Chaudhry said that the government should leave its royal expenses and the president and governors sitting at the negotiation table were given income tax exemption. They are given agricultural lands and plots. Are they all so poor that elites and Privileged class is being rewarded. Pakistani people and businessmen pay taxes under an agreement. The tax money is given to spend on health and education facilities of the common people. They don’t even get free quality education and dignified health facilities. There are problems everywhere. Sewers are boiling in the cities. When the tax money is not spent on the people, the question will arise. Friends will not accept the scheme under any circumstances. Kashif Chaudhry said that the slabs made under this scheme are made according to the survey and the law. The businessman should be given false comfort in some way. We want to tell that this is now a battle of nerves of the businessmen. The government spokesman says that if the tax is more than the profit, then the businessmen should sit and prove. I want to tell the nation that here it is. Even the courts could not catch the thieves from Dubai Lakes. I am sending a message to the government and courtiers. This system cannot work. 44 types of taxes cannot be paid and how much and how to pay them. They say about advance tax that if the advance is gone, it should be returned. The corrupt and complex system of FBR has not even given tax refunds. People are not in the tax net because the parliamentarians do not pay taxes. The people have no faith in the rulers. The rulers have lost their trust. And bureaucrats take membership of Islamabad Club and Gun Club for a few ticks and the businessman who gives tax has to pay 20 lakh to 50 lakh rupees to get membership. The bloodthirsty beasts do not want to facilitate taxpayers, they want to squeeze blood, said Kashif Chaudhry. That FBR will have to create a friendly Board of Revenue, otherwise it will have to be closed and a new institution should be formed. FBR should not be based on bribery and corruption. FBR should be based on respecting each other. And a simple system should be introduced, the income from tax should go to the national treasury. In FBR, instead of collecting tax in the national treasury, it goes into people’s pockets. In the new institution, people should be encouraged to voluntarily contribute to the tax net. Parliamentarians will also have to join the tax net by themselves. Kashif Chaudhry said that such a system in which there is direct connection between the administration and the businessmen, the audit system should be reformed. Kashif Chaudhry said, “Let’s leave the businessmen-friendly scheme, let’s give taxes and take them, set the tax of different sectors on the basis of turnover, the rate of profit of different businesses should be fixed, if the government is stubborn and obstinate.” If yes, we will not back down. We want to pay taxes, but we will not pay taxes. We want to pay taxes, but we will not pay taxes for the luxuries of the rulers. This is a war of nerves, the nerves of businessmen are very strong, we did not allow unnecessary taxes even during the Musharraf era. Do not force us that the nation should come out with the businessmen. If the nation also comes out with the businessmen, no one will be able to stop them from going to the Prime Minister’s House and the President’s House. Nationwide shutter down was the first stage of the successful strike. I am again going on a tour of the entire country, during the tour we will announce the future plan of action after consulting with organizations of all classes. We want to run and save Pakistan.#/ S