Clash between Finance Minister and Shibli Faraz in Senate meeting The government's job is not to do business, now the private sector will lead the country, Finance Minister

The government’s job is not to do business, now the private sector will lead the country, said Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb
I will give a briefing to the parliament regarding the economic plan, expressed in the upper house
Clash between Finance Minister and Shibli Faraz in Senate meeting
We are political people and have become members of these houses by doing politics, Shibli Faraz

Islamabad (  WEB  NEWS  )

Federal Finance Minister Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb has said that the economy can be improved by reducing expenses and increasing revenue, now the private sector will lead the country, the government’s job is not to do business. I will give a briefing to the Parliament regarding the economic plan, while expressing his opinion in the Senate session, he said that the process of digitization of FBR is going on, which aims to bring transparency. I also come from a salaried class. Muhammad Aurangzeb said, remittances are currently at the highest level in the country’s history. He said that the inflation rate has come to single digits, he will welcome ideas for macroeconomic stability. Muhammad. Aurangzeb said that the value of the rupee is getting stable, while the foreign exchange reserves are also increasing, the currency of Pakistan is stable, there is talk of micro-economic stability in the country, the economy can be taken forward on the basis of micro-economic stability. He said that the government has to show fiscal discipline, we have to reduce our expenditure, I have sat with people from sectors including banks and IT, they all talk about fiscal discipline. Budget has been increased, IT budget will improve our ecosystem, we have to take steps to improve SMS for small businessmen, earlier during the Senate session, Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb and Leader of Opposition in Senate Shibli Faraz had a nook. The atmosphere became heated due to the trend. In the Senate meeting held on Monday, when the Finance Minister started his speech, Shibli Faraz asked him to give us an economic plan. What plan do you have? On which the finance minister said that give me a chance to speak. I have been listening to you for two hours. Shibli Faraz said to Muhammad Aurangzeb that you have done me a favour. You are new in Avon. Senator Shireen Rehman instructed Shibli Faraz not to get personal. Leader of Opposition in Senate and Leader of Tehreek-e-Insaf proposed a meeting in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to all political parties and said that if you have the guts, show it by holding a meeting and we will provide all the facilities. Opposition Leader in Senate Shibli Faraz expressed. Thinking that you were concerned about the rights of the citizens of Islamabad, why was the city closed by placing containers? Why were the roads from Islamabad, Punjab and KPK blocked? I invite and challenge all the parties including PML-N, come and dare to hold a rally in KPK, we will give you all the facilities and money by donating. Shibli Faraz said that despite all this offer, I challenge. I do but you will not submit even ten members, we are political people and have become members of these houses through politics. Senator Shibli Faraz said that a joint resolution should be brought in the Senate and a judicial commission should be established for the election results of 2018 and 2024. , who should decide after looking at these two elections and the results. He said on the legislation in the Senate that today this law was for us, tomorrow it may be against you. ? Tomorrow this time may also come to you, we are not the people of Form 47, we are not people of crutches, so we are opposing the legislation that is against the people, the legislation that is being done at this time is being done against the people. Shibli Faraz said. Try not to pass such laws that you will regret later, all the state resources are being used to block the way of PTI. The country is heading towards destruction. The leader of the opposition in the Senate said that the finance minister has no choice, he ruled for 40 years and we sank the ship of the country in 3 years, at that time our numbers are being reduced. Yes, amend the House Rules to allow a standing vote for or against legislation. During the expression of Shibli Faraz, the government members made noise.