Form 47, Parliament have the right to amend the constitution? Hafiz Naeem   The two-thirds majority of the parliament is part two of Form 47. Liaqat Baloch. The amendment was brought under the doctrine of necessity

It is unfortunate that Mufti Mahmood’s son and grandson, along with Bhutto’s grandson and son-in-law, have violated the spirit of the unanimously approved constitution.

Can the parliament, which came into existence through Form 47, have the right to amend the constitution? 

70,000 votes were cast, not just written, in favor of Nawaz Sharif from Lahore. – Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami

A two-thirds majority was engineered in the Senate and National Assembly. Even the two-thirds majority of the parliament is part two of Form 47. – Liaqat Baloch

The constitutional amendment was brought under the doctrine of necessity, targeting the freedom of the judiciary and the judicial system. – Dr. Fareed Ahmed Paracha


Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami, Hafiz Naeem ur Rehman, stated that the entire process adopted for the constitutional amendment was suspicious. What the PDM government did under the cover of darkness is a tragedy for the country and the nation. It is unfortunate that Mufti Mahmood’s son and grandson, along with Bhutto’s grandson and son-in-law, have violated the spirit of the unanimously approved constitution. The question is: does a parliament created through Form 47 have the right to amend the constitution? Seventeen thousand votes were cast, not written, in favor of Nawaz Sharif from Lahore. His Chief Minister daughter and Prime Minister brother also won through rigging. Check Form 45. I can say with full responsibility that the MQM, which won 22 seats, did not win in even one polling station out of Karachi’s 5,500 polling stations. It’s good that PTI boycotted the parliament session. They were repeatedly warned not to become part of this game. Initially, Maulana Fazlur Rehman completely rejected the constitutional amendment, but later got involved in the clause-by-clause review and is now part of the government. In 2018, the PDM struck a blow to democracy by holding a market in Sindh House under the guise of regime change, and now they have tampered with the constitution. The PDM’s leadership is justifying it by saying they had the numbers, claiming that the amendment would have passed even without participation. The question is, if they had the numbers, why didn’t they reveal them? What was the need to tarnish their reputation? We are seeking legal advice to approach the current Supreme Court on the constitutional amendment, and protest is also an option. Decisions will be made through consultation.

Hafiz Naeem ur Rehman said that the judiciary has already failed to deliver justice, and now it has been completely taken hostage. Judges will now be appointed based on personal preferences through a parliamentary committee and the Prime Minister. The entire matter is ambiguous. Previously, at least the principle of seniority was applied. The judiciary itself also provided the government an opportunity to interfere. If judges had not been divided and avoided representing political parties, it might have prevented the government from daring to attack the judiciary. Similarly, if PTI had not been part of the negotiation process, public pressure might have intensified. Nevertheless, PTI took a positive step by boycotting in the end. He further said that the future course of action will also be discussed with PTI. The government, which came to power through rigging, has no interest in public issues. It only wants control over institutions. By turning a non-issue like the constitutional amendment into a major issue, the government has distracted from public concerns. They should reduce the prices of electricity, gas, and petrol and lift unjust taxes on salaried individuals, while imposing taxes on landowners. Jamaat-e-Islami will continue its movement for public rights.

Ameer Jamaat also stated that Yahya Sinwar’s martyrdom will further strengthen the Palestinian freedom movement. Yahya Sinwar was a versatile personality and has become a symbol for freedom fighters. Raising the voice for the rights of the Palestinian people is a collective duty upon the entire Muslim community. Muslim rulers are criminally silent. He further announced that Jamaat-e-Islami will observe a “Black Day” on October 27th in protest of Indian aggression in occupied Kashmir. The desires of Mian Nawaz Sharif and his daughter to foster friendship with India are condemnable. It is unclear why they are so eager to meet Modi, while striving to build relations with India instead of engaging with Afghanistan. He also demanded that the government clarify reports about the Kashmir deal made during the tenure of former Army Chief General (R) Qamar Javed Bajwa. Otherwise, the nation will continue to harbor suspicions.

The conflict between politics, the state, and the judiciary will not end with the 26th constitutional amendment – Liaqat Baloch

Vice Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami and head of the standing committee on political and national affairs, Liaqat Baloch, said that the ongoing conflict between politics, the state, and the judiciary will not be resolved by the 26th constitutional amendment. New aspects of instability and distrust will continue to emerge. The division between the government, the establishment, and the judiciary has collectively marred the constitution and the independence of the judiciary. Parliament and the judiciary will only be free when all stakeholders strictly adhere to the constitution. The attack on judicial independence has caused division within the judiciary. Deviating from the constitution brings problems for the country. Everyone’s dignity lies in respecting the constitution. The government engineered a two-thirds majority in the Senate and National Assembly through state repression. Even this two-thirds majority of the parliament is part two of Form 47. Forced constitutional amendments do not bring stability but rather increase the power of the establishment and create constant crises for the government. If opposition parties had rejected the constitutional amendments from day one, the constitution would have remained intact. PTI was engaged in negotiations on the amendments, covering up the bad intentions behind this legislation. For an independent, dignified, and principled Pakistan, sincere reforms in the judicial system and laws are necessary. Jamaat-e-Islami will prepare recommendations for reforms in the constitution and laws.

The 26th constitutional amendment was brought under the doctrine of necessity, targeting the independence of the judiciary and the judicial system – Dr. Fareed Ahmed Paracha

Political advisor to Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami, Dr. Fareed Ahmed Paracha, said that the 26th constitutional amendment was brought under the doctrine of necessity, targeting the independence of the judiciary and the judicial system, with multiple restrictions placed on justice, making it subject to the whims and needs of governments. In a statement from Mansura, he said that despite this, Jamaat-e-Islami welcomes the change in the constitution’s Article 38, paragraph, which aims to eliminate the interest-based system by January 1, 2028. This is a positive development not just for Muslims in Pakistan but also for all citizens, including minorities. He added that Jamaat-e-Islami will continue to fight for the elimination of the interest-based system as a petitioner in the Federal Shariat Court. We demand the government immediately abolish interest-based laws according to the decision of the Federal Shariat Court and make it clear that only interest-free banking will be allowed in the country.