ISLAMABAD ( BMZ REPORT ) Meeting of the National Economic Council (NEC) was chaired by Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif via video link from High Commission for Pakistan, London today. All other members of the Council who attended the meeting were present in the Prime Minister Office, Islamabad. The PrimeRead More →

ISLAMABAD ( BMZ REPORT ) On the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day a ceremony took place here in Islamabad to distribute the certificates and gifts among the participants of computer training workshop for the trainers of Women powerment Centers (WECs) of Pakistan Bait-ul- Mal (PBM). Finance MinisterRead More →

SAN FRANCISCO ( MEDIA REPORT ) Pakistan, Indonesia, the Palestinian territories, Bangladesh, and Nepal attract the highest rates of attempted malware attacks, according to Microsoft Corp. Countries that attracted the fewest include Japan, Finland, Norway and Sweden, reveals the Microsoft Security Intelligence (MSI) report Volume 20 for the second halfRead More →

ISLAMABAD ( MEDIA REPORT ) Research firms IDC and Strategy Analytics both presented their assessments of the smartphone market in Q1 2016, and while there were some significant differences, there was an agreement that the picture is far from rosy. According to IDC,  the market grew by 0.2 % year-on-yearRead More →

ISLAMABAD ( BMZ REPORT ) The Minister stressed that industry has to reciprocate and collaborate with the government on defining KPIs for the IT sector over the next 5 years such as  increase in remittances, foreign direct investment and employment generation so that a solid case can be made forRead More →