ISLAMABAD ( BMZ REPORT ) Facebook, in a strange move, has unpublished the official Facebook page of Jamat-e-Islami, we have checked. According to early details, Jamat-e-Islami’s Facebook page had some 3.1 million likes but was suddenly removed by Facebook for reasons that are still not communicated to Jamat-e-Islami. Jamat-e-Islami officials, believe thatRead More →

KARACHI ( TARIQ REPORT ) K-Electric, in-line with its customer-centric approach, continues to facilitate its consumers by engaging them through Social Media platforms including Facebook and Twitter.  The utility currently has over 235,000 fans on Facebook and 49,000 organic followers on Twitter. To capitalize on the power of online media,Read More →

SAN FRANCISCO — Twitter suspended 235,000 accounts that promoted terrorism over the last six months, as part of a continuing effort to keep people from using the social network for extremist causes, the company said Thursday. “The world has witnessed a further wave of deadly, abhorrent terror attacks across theRead More →

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has expressed concern over that reports Indian atrocities against Kashmiris are being blocked by the Facebook. Foreign Office spokesman Nafees Zakaria, at the weekly news briefing in Islamabad, said employees of Facebook from India or other Indian nationals might be manipulating the situation thereby violating fundamental right ofRead More →

NEW DELHI ( MEDIA REPORT ) Film makers, activists and journalists accused Facebook of blocking their accounts this week after they posted messages and images related to the  violence in the trouble-torn province of Kashmir. In recent weeks, the India-administered, Muslim-majority Kashmir state has been facing violence and curfews afterRead More →