Opposition Leadership meets CJP Yahya Afridi for input on reform agenda Omar Ayub Khan highlights various issues faced by the incarcerated PTI leader, Imran Khan, other leaders & workers of the party ISLAMABAD   (  WEB  NEWS   ) As part of his endeavors to take wider stakeholders consultation on the reformRead More →

Justice Mansoor urges CJP to convene full court over pleas against 26th amendment ISLAMABAD  (   WEB   NEWS   ) SC judge Justice Mansoor Ali Shah has written to Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Yahya Afridi, urgiing the formation of a full court to hear pleas challenging the 26th Constitutional Amendment. InRead More →

CJP Yahya Afridi convenes a meeting as a part of the commitment to strengthen service delivery & broaden access to justice Highlights the challenges facing Pakistan’s justice system Says feedback from all stakeholders—judges, lawyers, litigants & citizens—would be central to developing a responsive & effective system ISLAMABAD   (   WEB  NEWS Read More →

CJP Yahya Afridi summons the Judicial Commission meeting on Tuesday to discuss the nomination of judges for constitutional benches in SC The government and opposition have equal representation in the names sent from the parliament for the commission ISLAMABAD   (  WEB  NEWS  ) In a major development, Chief Justice ofRead More →

CJP Yahya Afridi launches initiative for comprehensive jail reforms CJP says a humane & effective prison system is essential to ensure a fair legal framework The Chief Justice of Pakistan constituted a sub-committee comprising Justice (Retd) Shabbar Raza Rizvi, Ms. Khadija Shah and others to inspect the jails LAHORE   ( Read More →