Chief Secretary Orders Making Human Resource Management System Paperless in the Province The process of government officers and employees’ ACRs, leaves, transfer orders, and pensions will be linked to the E-FOAS system. Instructions issued for departments to fully activate their websites for easy online availability of information and services toRead More →

LAHORE ( MEDIA REPORT ) The World Health Organisation has recommended enforcing a strict two-week lockdown in Punjab as the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow in the province. In a letter to the Punjab government, WHO lauded the provincial government’s efforts in response to the pandemic. Geo newsRead More →

KARACHI ( TARIQ REPORT ) Scaling up its m-agriculture along with digital & financial inclusion initiatives to a colossal level, Pakistan’s premier microfinance Bank Tameer, has joined hands with the government of Punjab for giving out smart digital loans to farmers across Punjab worth in aggregate over PKR2 billion forRead More →