Instead of making baseless claims about AJK, India should vacate the large territories of J&K, under its occupation for last 77 years: FO Spokesperson Says Pakistan condemns in the strongest possible terms Israel’s decision to block critical humanitarian aid from entering Gaza ISLAMABAD   (   WEB  NEWS   ) Foreign Office SpokespersonRead More →

Unity Across Continents: Calling for human rights in Kashmir: Imam Teslim Afghali Says both India & Pakistan have recognized the right of the people of Kashmir to decide their future WASHINGTON  ( Web News ) Leadership of the Kashmiri American diaspora, led by the World Kashmir Awareness Forum, and leadershipRead More →

ISLAMABAD (MEDIA) Drawing the Central government’s attention towards the potential threat that state’s border areas face because of Pakistani telecom towers, Rajasthan Governor Margaret Alva urged the UPA-led government and states for taking co-ordinated action to tackle the security threat from across the border. The Governor was addressing the ConferenceRead More →