SC bench withdraws contempt notice against registrar official in jurisdiction row The bench referred the matter to Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Yahya Afridi to deliberate whether a full court was needed to decide if contempt proceedings Justice Shah observed, “The court has arrived at the conclusion that the additionalRead More →

Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah says case related to the bench’s jurisdiction has no connection with the 26th Constitutional Amendment Says if someone feels scared on their own, that’s a different matter ISLAMABAD   (   WEB  NEWS  ) Supreme Court of Pakistan Senior Puisne Judge Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah hasRead More →

SC proceeds against the Additional Registrar (Judicial) on account of lapse; issues removal order CJP directs the Registrar SC to dedicate more resources for early completion of the scrutiny of pending cases These cases were required to be fixed before the Constitutional Bench but were mistakenly fixed before the regularRead More →

Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah stresses the importance of implementing the top court’s verdicts Says there is no option to ‘disregard or delay’ the judgments Says not implementing the SC rulings would be ‘a violation of the Constitution’ ISLAMABAD  (  WEB  NEWS   ) Supreme Court of Pakistan’s senior puisne JudgeRead More →