COMSTECH, an intergovernmental body, aims to promote science and technology, focusing on sustainable development and poverty reduction The strategic initiative is designed to enhance technological self-reliance, foster development, and mitigate brain drain in OIC member states ISLAMABAD   (   WEB  NEWS   ) The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) Ministerial Standing CommitteeRead More →

ISLAMABAD ( Web News ) COMSTECH has joined hand with SAWiE, to address the climate change crisis affecting livelihood of millions of smallholder farmers in OIC member states. To achieve this milestone, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between COMSTECH and SAWiE was signed online. Addressing to the MoU signing ceremony,Read More →

ISLAMABAD ( Web News ) COMSTECH signed memorandum of understanding with the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), desiring to enhance mutual collaboration as well as cultural, scientific and operational interaction that may lead to significant improvements of the activities of both institutions. Both institutions have agreed toRead More →