Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology Calls Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Law Over Internet Shutdowns ISLAMABAD  (   WEB  NEWS   ) The Senate Standing Committee on Information Technology has summoned the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Law in its next meeting regarding the ongoing internet shutdowns inRead More →

Pakistan is in discussions with Starlink, the satellite internet company owned by Elon Musk Senate Standing Committee on IT Expresses Strong Displeasure Over Slow Internet in the Country “Our ministry has no role in this matter. We want the internet to run faster. We want to protect the industry,” saidRead More →

پنشنرز کو 2011سے ان کے جائز حق سے محروم رکھا جا رہا ہے جو کہ سراسر نا انصافی ہے ارکان کمیٹی  کمیٹی کی سفارشات کے باوجود پی ٹی ای ٹی تاخیری حربے استعمال کر رہا ہے،چیرپرسن چیئر پرسن نے ادارے کے موقف کو یکسر مستردکردیا ٹرسٹ کا مقصد پنشنرز کےRead More →

ISLAMABAD ( MEDIA REPORT ) Meeting of the Senate’s Standing Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunications was held on Monday with Senator Shahi Syed in the chair. The meeting discussed progress on implementation status of recommendations of the committee regarding increase in the pension of all the retired employees ofRead More →